If you are under age 18, ask your parents if this poetry is genius.

This room was opened on 26. October 2021, finally.
I always wanted to start to share my poetry, just didn't get it in between,
because of the way i want to present art: always connected to much more,
new artwork - I dont have time for atm fighting for a home and rights.
There will be more and more Poetry in this room,
new and "old" ones (so many) also funny ones,
and art to it when i am safe.
Feel free to ask me questions about these first shared pieces
where-ever you find me, insta, or email.
For a whole book filled with poetry visit the eggy-movement room
and open the PDF, my first book in english language "Imperfect".

Pokerface, smoker lungs!
Fatness, sadness!
Lies and truth, all is up to you.
I am good in bed.
I know everything.
I need an exorcism like Arnie!
I always wanted to be in the Armee.
My last name is Bench,
my brand is gonna be Supertrend,
my favorite movie is Supertramp.
I am a killer, i murdered so many
and i dont regret any, except of
that spider in the train.
Yet I hate Spiders, i even scream.
I was a bodybuilder, i loved to train.
Now i only think of fame,
but in a good way.
I am convinced: the greatest mint in the world,
too cool to be true!
And when i touch you, you will know -
like that Alien from the Movie "Paul".
Watch it and watch out, seriously,
they gonna hire me!
They gonna desire me, my body in paint,
i will be green and naked and curse like a saint
from another star, finally allowed to be me.
Everyone will see,
i will open doors no man has ever felt,
you will call me "My Held", which means "Hero",
and finally we can all melt and become zero
plus one.