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       They called it "Black Hole".
Then i would call it "Black Bar" out of a 90 perspective.
But i rather like to call it what it is "ParadoxPerfection"
 Enjoy the paper about the Third Dimension, its mindblowing - And i hope it finds its way to some people appreciating.



                    Soon here (work in progress)

              Fundamental Reality 

                   Paper series:


(1) Third Dimension (Universe)


(2) Future of Society-System (Reinvention or Extinction)

(2) Evolution Blocker (aka Psychology)

(2) Individual Integration

(2) Informationing & IMP (Information-Mistake-Prevention)

(3) Language Defining/Sharpening ("HD Language")

(4) Future of Medicine (+ Metabolisation-Chain-Reaction-Theory)

The first Paper includes:

Paradox Perfection Theory (former known Black Hole), including Big-Bada-Boom-Theory (this is not a joke, but mindblowing)

Matter Relativity "Theory" (Reality!) including Rinfinity Priority Scale Principle.



07.02.2020                                                                                                                                                                  IVH3


Fundamental Reality (1) - Third Dimension 

Third Dimension (former known "Universe")

1. Building up understanding for the Paradox-Perfection-Theory (PP = former called "Black Hole")

1.0 How is logic defined?


Logic defines logic as the final solutions any brain naturally aims to reach. It's not me defining, it's logic defining itself. Like a stair to a shiny door: on the second step you get a science-price and by that stop moving? Who wouldnt walk just one step further upstairs? Only a blind person never even seeing a mild shine. But an actual blind person would see that light! It's logical that noone can ignore light of 100%-ensured-higher stages of everything a brain can seek. Noone could or would want to resist that light, like a little child naturally needs its parents and will not just chose to walk away from them (not even from violent parents), now chosing to be alone in that early stage of life because another child found a sticky candy-bar? A child might be interested in the candy bar, but no matter what, in the end it will cry non stop for the parents, feel absolutely lost and alone and endangered if it cant be reunited. A brain not moving into the save shiney door would forever think of that every day, and actually... just walk inside of course.


Fundamental Reality (1) - Third Dimension 

Third Dimension (former known "Universe")

1. Building up understanding for the Paradox-Perfection-Theory (PP = former called "Black Hole")

1.0 How is logic defined?


Logic defines logic as the final solutions any brain naturally aims to reach. It's not me defining, it's logic defining itself. Like a stair to a shiny door: on the second step you get a science-price and by that stop moving? Who wouldnt walk just one step further upstairs? Only a blind person never even seeing a mild shine. But an actual blind person would see that light! It's logical that noone can ignore light of 100%-ensured-higher stages of everything a brain can seek. Noone could or would want to resist that light, like a little child naturally needs its parents and will not just chose to walk away from them (not even from violent parents), now chosing to be alone in that early stage of life because another child found a sticky candy-bar? A child might be interested in the candy bar, but no matter what, in the end it will cry non stop for the parents, feel absolutely lost and alone and endangered if it cant be reunited. A brain not moving into the save shiney door would forever think of that every day, and actually... just walk inside of course.

(INTRO - not preview just an intro)

I can handle my emotions in the papers, but not in previews, there i just suffer! :D

Fundamental Reality (2?) - Information-Mistake-Prevention (IMP)

"IMP": Information-Mistake-Prevention is teaching information-relation-"perfection", to prevent discrimination-potential, which is strongly embedded in humanitys use of information, the use of most informational-writings published by "professionals"- IMP does not have the goal to point fingers on someone, it is just important to understand once how information are related, what kind of subinformation are important to think of when writing to INFORM. Almost everything i have ever read can be defragmented to discrimination-potential or active discrimination, and we have to ask ourselfes as a species: Do we want that, do we chose superficialness and pride of the past to last and prohibit us from becoming what we are?

                       What are we

IMP can transform 2-3-casually-"professionally"-written sentences meant to inform, into a 2-3 page article out of  the very same information, just including everything important to actually really wholy and safely inform - IMP is the way humanity needs in the past (present right now) to communicate the safest and best possible way with"E.T". Yet in the future, the fictious day in history, when meeting another planets species, there IMP wont be needed to communicate with a higher intelligence from around the space-corner - because if either species, them or us is actually intelligent, we will never meet. So IMP is for us, the species of "professional" football-player who actually aims constantly for the own goal, as everyone right now in humanity is doing informationing-wise (and they get away with it! 

Lets have a look at an evolved Species.

 If life from another planet would be primitively travel with "evolved" technology-a-certain-someone-understands travel to earth, they would be drones, primitive vehicle-riders. But the initiators of the travel, they could at least have a little bit of intelligence based on deciding to destroy humanity... with rather peaceful curiosity - no intention to war. Curiosity, that doesnt justify destroying a species (simply by visiting), but it's human.... you get it? They, all out there, are exactly like humanity, entirely primitive.

But if there would be a species of intelligence (now lets ignore the fact that they wouldnt travel to earth), they would arrive, instantly sense all to know and disappear within seconds...


"this species is not a unity, not evolved, not ready".

If we would be united, a big family, and the others species of course the same, since its goal of evolution of a species, we would be just a bigger family and have the same goals. But its not any realistic, that clash, because humanity would go insane, if not evolved. Evolution starts here.

(INTRO - not preview just an intro)

I can handle my emotions in the papers, but not in previews, there i just suffer! :D

Fundamental Reality (Paper 2?) - Information-Mistake-Prevention (IMP)

"IMP": Information-Mistake-Prevention is teaching information-relation-"perfection", to prevent discrimination-potential, which is strongly embedded in humanitys use of information, the use of most informational-writings published by "professionals"- IMP does not have the goal to point fingers on someone, it is just important to understand once how information are related, what kind of subinformation are important to think of when writing to INFORM. Almost everything i have ever read can be defragmented to discrimination-potential or active discrimination, and we have to ask ourselfes as a species: Do we want that, do we chose superficialness and pride of the past to last and prohibit us from becoming what we are?

                       What are we

IMP can transform 2-3-casually-"professionally"-written sentences meant to inform, into a 2-3 page article out of  the very same information, just including everything important to actually really wholy and safely inform - IMP is the way humanity needs in the past (present right now) to communicate the safest and best possible way with"E.T". Yet in the future, the fictious day in history, when meeting another planets species, there IMP wont be needed to communicate with a higher intelligence from around the space-corner - because if either species, them or us is actually intelligent, we will never meet. So IMP is for us, the species of "professional" football-player who actually aims constantly for the own goal, as everyone right now in humanity is doing informationing-wise (and they get away with it! 

Lets have a look at an evolved Species.

 If life from another planet would be primitively travel with "evolved" technology-a-certain-someone-does-not-understand-i-repeat-does-not-understand to earth, these would be their drones: primitive vehicle-riders. But the initiators of the travel, they could at least have a little bit of intelligence at least aware and by that deciding to destroy humanity with their "peaceful" curiosity, no intention to war. Curiosity, that doesnt justify destroying a species (simply by visiting), but it's human.... you get it? They, all out there, are exactly like humanity = entirely primitive.

But if there would be a species of intelligence (now lets ignore the fact that they wouldnt travel to earth to protect us), they would arrive only to absorb, which would take a second, instantly sensing all to know, and they would disappear right away "They are not ready". 

They couldnt return for another few hundred years, because if youre not ready while already at exinction point.

But if they are not intelligent and in need of a new home, because their planet is dying, then they will join or directly try to end us, because we cant be a collaboration, because we are both just stupid primitive animals fighting for a territory.

With IMP and all i am presenting with my lifeswork, humanity has a blueprint to at least protect itself from itself, by becoming nature. To better understand: Trees are connected to earth, they all have a beautiful great function, they reduce CO2, create oxigen. If the informing people among humanity, the teachers and the journalists are metaphorical trees, then all they produce is CO2. And if the teachers do that, all learning do that. Humanity is a species of dangerous crippled disfunctioning trees who do everything but what they are supposed to. For example: everyone thinks they know what they are saying but without information mistake preventive science like IMP or "Sharpening language", people just say words, or lies/wrongs.

You have never opened a door. A spider doesnt sit. The sun doesnt rise. And their love is the worst information abuse, because it ends, so their love is in reality "Soon-Hate" - think of that the next time someone tells you "i love you", it means "I soon hate you", when youre sooooo happy! OMG THANK YOU FOR SOON HATING ME, I CANT BELIEVE MY LUCK!"  (sometimes Ingopedia is funny, as introduced in the intro on the mainpage).


Love is Love, forever, like the tree produces oxigen.

 See the protection principle of humanity.

But suddenly people"MOVE ON", "NEXT CHAPTER"! 

Imagine nature going for sudden next chapter "Oxigen? Not my thing anymore, i need something new" = ALL HUMAN DIE! 


Most human dont understand how important right/wrong understanding is. Humans see as "right" whatever version they are living. But again a tree that doesnt produce oxigen but only CO2 is not right and has to be reprogrammed or cut down... My lifeswork is 100% for reprogramming, so that the tree is finally a beautiful tree and not a dangerous weapon.

Worldy Skate Tribe Symbol pink.png



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This flame marks realtime-I-am-on-fire-work, a calm campfire - it's not hot less!

gif link:

thanks to the creator, luv it!

This flame marks realtime-I-am-on-fire-work, a calm campfire - it's not hot less!


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