>> All we are as society is a matter of definition. If the fundament of definitions is blury, unclear, or WRONG, then you have a humanity as we see today: unconcious, dangerous, unevolved, pointless <<
Sharpening language = using information as meant for us = safe = end of discrimination and servere reduction of most problems down to a minimum of human natural imperfection cases.
Some basics
1. Have you ever heard of someone caring about NOT-LIVING-THINGS being discriminated?
If a person writing an article discriminates not-living-things (examples follow), this person can and will do the same when writing about humans.
In the worst case, someone informing, who is not seeing more in "things" than "lifeless meaningless things", that person doesn't care! That nor caring person does not care about choice of words and simply throws words around to: be busy, to make money... anything selfish, irresponsible, wreckless, dangerous.
Someone writing to inform has to care about every single word and every meaning of every word, every connection, every relation, because words, information, are the most powerful thing to work with! And power that great needs to be handled well not to cause damage.
2. Humanity has to INFORM without any judgement,
to leave judgement entirely up to the receiver of the information.
3. Only facts shell be informed. But what are facts?
4. If informing safe is alot of effort, do we simply resign just to save time? We cant save time by continuing to inform on the bases of discrimination and speculation that is raising confusion, fear, anger, sadness, hate. That's how we already lost alot of time and we dont have much time left. All we have is a little time-window to fix the fundament, when we will gain time for the first time.
5. Separating between "Unprofessional" and "Professional"
A free writing/informing person only has to try its best to follow everything that can be absorbed from my education.
Professional Football player work themselves up into the best teams of the world, with abilities: endurance, speed, technique and also team-spirit, which is very important. If they cant play in a team, they can have the best physical abilities, still wont make it pro. They are being payed for playing for the team and trying to win with the team, shooting the ball into the opponents goal. They are actually professional, they are there where they are for a good reason!
Imagine how insane it would be if one s-o-b would sabotage constantly playing against the own team, shooting on the own goal, and nobody would stop it!? The fans would stop it at some point running on the field in throusands, to fuck him and everyone not stopping it up.
I can be THE PRO in informationing, but i dont have to be, i am not payed for. I am just a little people guy, dont forget that!
So i do make informational mistakes as well because call me "lazy"... The truth is, i am isolated and so i can afford being "lazy" to perfectly serve and protect that species that couldn't care less about me and hurts me in so many ways literally my whole life.
It's like i am opening with all my energy this door to a new safer world, and people stab me in the back because i am standing in their way toward extinction.
If i dont write perfection after my own standards i still think of all the words, connections, relations and resonsibilities. I wish i could write it down by thinking about it, because the best theories and definitions i work out behind closed eyes. All the examples below about HD-Language, i have written in my mind way better, because the process is so fast in all sorts of directions, important sideprocessing allowing to keep the focus in a kind of connecting experience while traveling complete off-topic-distractor-relations, which are processed and available to work with without ever being in the forground, its simply just there because it needs to be to understand... to understand you have to think of everything, to the limits.
If i continue being "lazy" on paper, that's alright, i dont exist for humanity anyways and i dont want to create another systematic "perfection". Because what a new fundament needs is that soul-factor.. So if my sharpening language and IMP ever goes viral rather study me instead of all i provide. Because else: once i die it could be turned into a perfected system, to study. It would still be helpful for humanity intensely, but we should evolve to souls, that's what i am trying to say.
the newly, our concious times worthy defined genre Dramedy
partly waives entirely of hiding truth and thereby of manipulation which fun always creates. Until now there was no room for concious people, especially Comedians, to combine theire real understanding with theire, in the past unconciously chosen way of life, or collectivly forced chosen way of life, like comedy, which often was the only way to be different, to be true, but never really, because it would have been inappropriate and caused exclusion. Constant fun or Drama/Comedy-Collaborations of the past still needed to fullfil a certain level of "ballance" = "overall ass kissing". Art labeled with the newly definded genre lets people know what to expect in the first place (No disrespect!), prohebiting anger or confusion, as also exclusion and making it possible to be concious and human for example for the greates Comedian of all universes who was forced by society pressure to give up on what he was born for, just because of the missing genre!
- for Jim Carrey -
ViMoSA/Ingopedia/Sprachperfektion IVH3 30.06.19
Bro: "Which door? That architect was totally on drugs!"
Architect: "I wasnt on drugs you cretain! My house is pure enlightement, its made to stimulate braincells to develope a will to to live instead suiciding!"
Bro: "So there is no window?"
Arch: "There is no window, exactly".
Bro: "I prefer glass to look through."
Arch: "Jesus, how about you look up and stare a while through the biggest door of the house".
Bro: "Okay this one is nice, nice to cause neckpain! And why is this not a window? It has glass."
Arch: "Omg! There are doors you can look through, welcome to the 19th century!"
Bro: "So you can open that roof and walk through?"
Arch: "Door!"
Bro: "So you can opened that "door!" and walk through?"
Arch: "No!"
Bro: "I dont get your house."
Arch: "My house is a door! What's not to get? Everything is a door! If youre on the ocean, you can call parts of the water, sea, stream, wave, but it stays the ocean!"
Bro: "So this floor and this wall and this ugly carpet, all doors, right?"
Arch: "WRONG! But Its all together one door, yes."
Bro: "So where is this door leading?"
Arch: "Into a new world.".
Bro: "Can everyone go through?"
Arch: "Sure, my door is always open."
Bro: "And what if they dont arrive in a new world? Isnt this a scam?".
Arch: "Nothing that is for free is a scam! It's an experience. Trust me, people gonna love it. One can think forever about "door" in here, it's the ultimate Philosophs dream. And i am sure that will bring many people into a new world. Its better than whatever else people do these days, it's all pointless and meaningless or made for fame and profit."
Sharpening language
Example 1 - DOOR
You're in panic, fleeing towards a door, carrying nothing but the intention to survive! Luckily the door is slidely opened, you already imagine yourself pushing through the frame, yet suddenly realizing the danger, your movement-speed, the impact, the consequences, when it's already too late: your hands impact and explosivlely transfer energy speeding up the door - while time is suddenly slowing down! Powerless you watch the door....
1. open/opening, 2. spin, 3. move 4. fly, 5. rotate ?
6. centrifuge/centrifuging? I go with this one, without a doubt. But nobody has ever used this. Everyone uses any other option, mostly 1. "open/opening"
I bet nobody of you has ever opened a door!
There will be a video very soon (dec 21, or Jan 22) so decide if you accept the bet and how much you want to lose :D
How is "door" even defined?
This is interesting: What is "Door"? Is it the parts?
Which of these 4 listed parts make a "door".
1. Frame
2. Frame-"Lid"
3. Hinges
4. Lock.
Would you say its "all 4 parts", or would you say it could be also just 1+2? Or maybe even just Nb 1. "Frame", like "an open door", permanently open. Or if the Frame-lid is leaning at a wall, wouldnt you still say to your friend helping you to move in: "Bro, can you please throw that door outa the window? No need for it."
So i am asking "What is a door?".
Permanently is a strong word, its permanent, it's like "forever". So is "permanent" defined as "forever"? If so, does the person using the word "permanent" think of the word "forever"? If so, why isnt the person chosing "forever", to clarify that the door will be open forever. And how is forever defined? Until the planet and everything on it vanishes? That would not be "forever". Forever would be forever, as in "infinity". But what is infinity? If you read my paper about the third dimension (universe), then you will learn that humanitys use of information "infinity" is not correct, because infinity is limited which is why i call it "Rinfinity".
Do you think it's too stressful or difficult to think of absolutely every world and its meaning?
What if you were given a weapon that requires you to work hard not to kill?
Example 2
A tear is... down your jowl.
1. sliding?
2. running?
3. moving?
4. rolling?
5. falling
6. crying?
How is a tears behavior defined?
A tear cant ever fall unless entirely exposed to gravity. Everything else is not falling, but sliding? But it only looks like a slide, water behaves interesting. Now is the question, what do we want? Do we want seperated society classes, where writers manipulate hearts of consumers with blury pictures, or do we give up a little bit of emotions to grow together with reality? We could chose "gravitates down the mine". Or we could chose to define a new word for collectively-by-gravitation-moving-and-attracting-moleculs-in-unpredictable-yet-optical-constant-friction-with-surface(surface has to be clarified for each definition of the word, since surfaces influence the moleculs behavior)-with-loss-of-volume (water will be left behind on the skin).
Example1-continuation pt 2
Even before the klink collides, you are already hearing the explosive impact ahead. And while time is bend by your phantomfear of what is is near, your vocal chords start to vibrate - by the collision of air set free by your emotions. It's a miracle of nature: You found a way to transport the future ( the impact, that has not yet happened) into the present (the sound you are making because of the impact) And still, while the time is daring to run recklessly fast, you suddenly try to prevent what is already too late, by abruptly shutting your mouth trying to prohibit more sound to fully express.
How is the sound you're now making called?
There is no word defined
Until now!
We need a word that combines the following details: accidentally shouted yet-interrupted(swallowed) high-frequenced sound of fear - this is the SUB DEFINITION into a single word: perscream!
If you are running toward the door without being chased, but to reach the love of your life who you expect far behind that door, who is yet now suddenly right there = SOUND! You will probably not only perjoy, you will most likely also hear the love of your life perjoying at the same time unless he/she knew you were rushing through the door at this point.
The SUB-DEFINITION here is the same of the perscream yet for a positive emotion.
This is how language not only becomes sharp, allowing to describe, write, say exactly what we want to, but it also makes humans SAFE!
Because in daily life situations, the chance for a brain attacking another humans behavior simply by that GAP of definition, is 100% Not every humans brain attacks but still the chance is 100% looking at the collective, the species.
Definition gaps cause judging = attacking = rejecting, fighting or destroying. And it happens every second - we call it discrimination.
And yes, if language is super sharp defined and tought to everyone growing up = end of discrimination.
Every human perscreamed and perjoyed countless of times in lifes, mostly as child, for example when playing hide and seek. Growing older it gets less because society defined for children to drop behavior that didnt hurt anybody and to replace good behavior with bad behavior.
It implies, that we would not need sharp (safe) language, if our minds would be just a bit sharper to define society not to end childrens behavior aka INNOCENCE that doesnt attack to destroy. If a child doesnt understand behavior, it laughs, and sometimes laughter can hurt, but this is not the intention. In our world sometimes a child has a negative intention, thinks someon is weird, stupid, wrong, but only because of the sourrounding grown ups who created this world of judgement that influences the put the innocence under threat so fast. Basically the world around children is a nightmare of bad influences, so they cant be blaimed. But if you look at the fundament, if you isolate childrens behavior, the brain doesnt attack gaps of definition, the brain only judges if a person is nice or not, if its safe or unsafe - and it does this so by FEELING.
Children transition into this grown up person actually dangerous to humans. Are there good grown ups? Change the situation often enough without making a fucking documentary about it, without something in return, just a hidden camera to find out how this "good" person judges the unfamiliar, the uncomfortable!
Without sharp language society raises mostly sociopaths, dangerous!
Either we define a world for everlasting children, or we sharpen language entirely, that will in the aftermath allow the same - I am living prove.
What if i want to sharpen use of language beyond the sharpest!?
Back the the perscream/perjoy and its subdefinition: accidentally shouted yet-interrupted(swallowed) high-frequenced sound of negative or positive emotion.
Do you see something in this sub definition that may doesnt fit to situations?
"High frequency"? Mostly this is the case. But what if the sound frequence changes, start high, turns mid? Or Starts low, turns very high? Or what if its only low, only mid?
I want to add a new symbol/sign (not existing on any keyboard at this time), that could simplified start with three forms (positions), low, middle, high, so that you can read sound! I repeat: hearing sound reading!
You see what possibilities there are, and now you can see how early the state of language evolution (all of the 400 or how many languages we have, are blury! Because if we had one sharp language, all would adapted and we all would have sharp languages by now.)
The effort makes sense, even for simple cultures. Cultures of the past had to rely on their people not breaking out, not changing, and if they would, the whole culture became instable fast, values started to end. While a sharpened language protects values forever. Trust me, if the past knew that, they would have done any crazy much effort, like other crazy efforts of the past cultures, they werent lazy, they wernt simple as we may like to believe... ancient clutures created gigantic things, works and informational works. A sharp language was never part, because it's actually the final stages of human mind evolution that can only arise in the time we are living now, through some factors of torture but also freedom, both at the maximum. Think about it, have we ever suffered more than consciously awake understanding all the crimes done to us, feeling our powerlessness? And yet have we ever been more free and privileged, in this world that has everything? And this Paradox and the critical final stages IS required... and still there would never be sharp language if there wasnt one unprivileged with a reading writing handycap starting to write books as the only option he sees left dying of sickness to become famous, to leave a spiral of abuse of psychology that prevents him to find doctors for rare illnesses.
Around my 10 th book i started to define and even use new words in my story, yet i had to stop myself from inventing a new laguage, because people dont even read any of my works, and new words they dont know would have only reduced chances for my masterpieces to be read. Thats when the idea for my own enzyclopedia started to arise.
What is great about sharpened languages:
Someone wouldnt need to learn the sharpened language, someone only needs to learn what i am writing down here, simply that it has to be done to prtect the species, to end gaps of definitons that causes brains to attack other humans!
(NOTE: My mother language is german, so everything in english language is a poor sad yet still does the job version of the ultimate sharpness i can provide in german language, that is so sharp that one day some people maybe start studying german language simply to be able to read my books (free)! BUT my poor sad english comes with the advantage of the great simplicity people could fear to lose (while it was long lost before you ever knew i existed!)
Writing HD reality in Stories/Books
Many other aspects of a readers successful absorption of any written scene, like the examples "Someone opens a door" or "a tear is sliding down", is depending on the entire architecture of the scene in the first place.
Unsharp writing leaves the reader subconsciously predicting scenes and creating theire own pictures - which many now would claim as "This is how it's supposed to be", when i say "Okay, then why dont you throw away all the HD-technology we all really love and continue with the everlasting blury pictures.
One day they might want to translate my german books oO, for example "The Ironwood Clinic", the sharpest writing in history so far, where i still fought every day constantly to create blury :-D so that readers could enjoy and not have to start to study a new set of words or maybe even entire new language, which i would have invented by now if i would have been born in privileged circumstances and not been forced to fight for my life my whole life - when i paradoxly would not be able to absorb reality (because of the lower spectrum of information by missing Suffering-Entitelment-Paradox) making me just another blury-bestseller-manipulator)).
no offense but in all honestly, i suffer intensly of behing forced to watch all the manipluation, all the incredible bad writing by "the stars of the scene", "The great authors", it's a nightmare. As mentioned above: what do we want? I know what i want, i know what i need. I never wanted intense feelings, i never wanted to be the consumer, the guy seeking love... i was made and by that i was made depressed and helpless, these emotions never end unless you turn bitter and die inside. Writers crack you open and leave you for death and society is selling it as "this is right". ITS ENTIRELY WRONG! One day The Ironwood Clinic is translated, you will realise how much is possible and hthat there can be way intense emotions reading, but never leave readers helplessly cracked up, but puts one together stronger! Reality HD writing naturally keeps the ballance by a bit of a challange in the transition-phase from blury to HD, until it creates entire new interest, shifting the enthusiams toward details, realism and the skill to still set emotions free - which then will be emotions of reality you dont even know about yet.
Once you read this, you will fall in love as we all love the ultra-HD-screens.
I am the only one in humanity who can write ultra-sharp reality. Read "Fundamental Reality" to see how much i am connected to reality, to the mother of everything, nature.
Informationing-Mistake-Prevention (IMP) - (poor&cut-version)
What language sharpening is for writers, IMP is for informators, especially those earning money with it !!!
Growth of a tree is failed, when veined wood results. Though fans of the noble wood are happy, because the creative, in oval forms arranged structurepatterns create a very attractive surface.
Through-out botanical-history, human discovered along theire natural observations of certain trees, trunk-growth-abnormalities. While specialized biology-scientist identified the reason - bacterias which causing woodcells to grow unusual rapidly, industrialists started to make use of theireby formed large proliferations, especially of the cross sections which shown abnormal creative stucture-patterns, so called "veined wood". First nature seemed to make a mistake for clueless observers, yet brought financial drive and maybe even happyness to an industry to grow. During modern civilisation, the industries managed to spread theire happyness and raised superficialness and fanatism among consumers with marketing-sales-strategies, while luckily being supported by the documentations in word and picture of interested, fans and/or information-publication-employeed. Though it was never documented by humanity if the industries founders may-existed-enthusiasm for the infection-grown-wood-structure, naturally lead to the todays often as "more attractive" documented perception compared to unsual grown trunks cross-section-patterns, or if by theire financial need supported marketing strategies with perceptions far theire own, or if the perception simply arose during documentions of the other human-partys involved at the beginning of the abnormal-wood industry. But an intelligent scientific-writer of the 21 century, who hates to speculate because of braindamage-endangerment of innocent readers, speculates, that it must be all mentioned possibilites almost-combined. Paradoxly, the tree-killing/cutting industries- and fanatism-growth eversince showing the same spreating-pattern as the bacterial infected wood-structure: out of controle, wild proliferating and intensly growing. But human wouldnt consider cutting humanity into "attractive" pieces, because it would be killing, which was finally gotten under controle by growing strenght of the sense of legeslative-human-instances around the end of the 20th century - after thausands of years of slauthering billions of themselfes. But since trees never seem to be entiteled to have rights like human-beings, even though they are keeping humans alive by cleaning the atmospheric-air and constantly creating fresh oxigen to breath, they remained in the "getting-killed-phase".
However, whereever the "attraciveness" of the proliferated-wood-structure arose, it helped the marketing-industrie, which supportivly additioanlly titeled the wood as "nobel", followed by immediate acception of the fanatics due to conscious-/or subconcious effects to impress third partys with the bought material. The titel "nobel" supported social elevating, and social elevating supported the titel, while both resulted in status, that made the industries growing possible up to create everything from pricey: furniture, vehicle-interiors, jewellery-, accesoire- and many more material-additions and covers, mostly polished and glazed. The infection-changed and processed wood made it into the materialistic-upper-society-class category "luxury", where only a limited amount of privileged finacially-strong members have absolute acces to the most expensive industrial-products. Surly nothing for socialy-degreated and by poverty and outcasting of society to internet-observation-of-life forced
ViMoSA, Iso, 6.08.2019